Wrestling Prayer is a book written by Eric and Leslie Ludy in 2009. From the back cover, "Wrestling prayer is the key that unlocks the supernatural strength that moves mountains and calms storms. It can radically transform your life and unleash God's power in ways beyond what you can even imagine." Leslie Ludy adds her thought to this previous statement and says, "I personally know no other man who can speak on the issues this book present than my husband, Eric. This book is merely a peek into his life - this stuff is his daily diet. He's a man acquainted with both the prayer closet and the public arena of proclamation. Eric is a wrestler. He understands the power of prayer and he wields it mightily. The truths in this book aren't merely what he thinks about; they are principles he lives every day. So Eric is going to lead us in this grand and epic conversation. Then, at the end of each chapter, I'll add my two cents of practical application and real-life analogy."
How did this book come about. As Eric describes, he and Leslie cried out to God, "'What must we do? What can we do?' 'Pray!' was the soft yet firm response from our King. 'We do pray!' we answered. 'That's not prayer,' God seemed to say, 'that's spiritual sounding chitter-chatter.'" Like the Ludy's, I often think that my prayer are mere spiritual sounding chitter-chatter as well.
The Ludy's extracted their principles on prayer from the actions of David's mighty men as recorded in the books of Samuel and Chronicles. Some of these principles include topics such as: removing the roadblocks, being fortified for the fight, praying God-prayers, travailing prevailers, tenacity, radical willingness, and audacity.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It was well written and easy to follow and yet convicting in its approach to the vital topic of prayer.
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