What Story Have We Fallen Into

Posted by Christian Klaue, With 0 Comments, Category: Annotated Books,

What Story Have We Fallen Into?

What is the resource about?

-Schulz revisits the Gospel, as found in the first few verses of John, and explains what the Gospel actually means to us. This book is devotional in nature and yet provides some excellent teaching on the Trinity, the nature of God, and the purpose of humanity.

Why is it important?

-This book, like very few others, made me stop and worship almost every chapter. I don’t know if I have heard the love of God explained as well as Schulz has done in this book. If you wonder if God could love even you, with all that you have done to offend Him, you need to read this book. If you ever wonder how much God loves you, you need to read this book. If you ever wonder if any other religion might be true, you need to read this book. 

What should I do?

-Read the book! Pray, sing, rejoice, give voice to God’s goodness in whatever way you can.